Exercise Barriers


by | Oct 31, 2016 | blog

The two exercise barriers that I personally struggle with are procrastination and self-sabotage.

Full disclosure, I am not immune to procrastination. The odds of me postponing my exercise session for the day are pretty high if I don’t do it first thing in the morning. I will convince myself that I will get it done later or have more energy in the evening when I get home from work.

To stay on track, I must follow my routine to exercise first thing in the morning. That time is set in stone with only a little wiggle room during that time, in case something unexpected comes up. My friends and family understand that they are not to disturb me during this time.

I know that the time I dedicate to my exercise goals will only benefit me and my family. It helps to keep me healthy and lets me go through my day with a stronger focus and energy.

I have also been guilty of self-sabotage. This usually happens when I let negative thoughts distract me from my goals. I’ve had days when I wonder, “Why do I put in all this effort?” I have been known to doubt myself and think, “It’s never going to work because the process takes too long.”

Not being honest with yourself is another form of self-sabotage. A good example of this is when you skip a workout and tell yourself, “It won’t matter if I skip just this once.”

Another example is setting goals that, if you were being honest with yourself, you know you’d never achieve. Like saying on October 31, “I am going to lose 50 pounds before Christmas.”

There are a few ways I try to deal with those self-sabotaging thoughts. I have to take time to reflect and ask myself, “Why I am feeling this way? or “What is really behind this thinking?” or “Why am I setting myself up to fail?”

I can assure you that in many instances we are our own worst enemies when it comes to meeting our weight loss and fitness goals.

My advice is to replace those negative thoughts with positive affirmations.

I tell myself that when I get done with my morning workout, I’ll have the rest of the day ahead of me.

I remind myself how much better I’ll feel after my workout and that it will carry through all day. Knowing that I can say “I killed it today!” after a workout is the greatest reward.

Whatever happens, don’t let procrastination or self-sabotage prevent you from accomplishing your goals.

Be your own cheerleader. Focus on that overwhelming sense of joy and confidence that envelops you when you complete your workout.

This Week’s O’Nealism:

“Have you ever noticed that tomorrow never really gets here? In fact, you can chase it the rest of your life. Have you also noticed that the word “later” is not printed on any clock or watch you have ever seen? There’s a reason why…”

Stay Healthy My Friends,

About O'Neal Hampton

After being diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic and weighing 420 pounds, O’Neal Hampton Jr. became a contestant during the 2010 season of NBC’s "The Biggest Loser." It was then that he was introduced to NuStep. Through the O'Neal Hampton Wellness Foundation, he educates others on the value and importance of exercise and nutrition. O’Neal Hampton Jr. is a NuStep spokesperson.