Making The Adjustment From Daylight Savings


by | Nov 7, 2016 | blog

Hi Everyone,

Did you know that chronic lack of sleep can affect your weight loss efforts? When you’re overtired, your mental clarity may not be as sharp, which can impair your decision-making ability.

If you haven’t gotten enough rest, you may have trouble resisting food cravings and choose to reach for high-carb snacks. You may also be tempted to eat larger portions of junk food when you are sleep deprived.

Lack of sleep actually affects the balance of your hunger and fullness hormones by stimulating cravings for high-fat, high-carbohydrate foods.

The end of Daylight Savings Time (DST) can be the gateway to lack of sleep and over-eating because of the shortness of the day and the adjustment to the time change.

The loss of daylight can impact us psychologically and physically and make us feel out of balance. It can affect our mood, energy level and motivation. We may start skipping or postponing workouts and reaching for sugary foods. Our sleep may be affected.

Here’s the good news, you can take precautions to ensure that the colder, darker days ahead don’t get the better of you. By preparing mentally and paying extra attention to your eating, sleeping and exercising patterns, it will be easier to take action if you find yourself slipping. Remember that you are in control.


This Week O’Nealism:
The thing we all have in common, is that each of us has 24 hours in a day. How we spend that time can make us or break us.

Stay Healthy My Friends,

About O'Neal Hampton

After being diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic and weighing 420 pounds, O’Neal Hampton Jr. became a contestant during the 2010 season of NBC’s "The Biggest Loser." It was then that he was introduced to NuStep. Through the O'Neal Hampton Wellness Foundation, he educates others on the value and importance of exercise and nutrition. O’Neal Hampton Jr. is a NuStep spokesperson.