O’Neal: Losing Inches & Gaining Confidence


by | Feb 23, 2016 | blog

I’m reaching out to give you all updates on my journey. I’m happy to say that I have been back on track. I am getting healthy and staying in shape.

I’ll be honest – even while being back on track, there have been little bumps in the road, I’m human.

Bumps In The Road…They Happen

I know and understand the difference between a bump in the road and my life journey. It is important to recognize the bumps we have on our journey and in life, for what they are; just bumps.

It’s not the end of the world. It’s not over. You don’t have to throw in the towel. Never give up on your dreams and more importantly never give up on yourself. Keep working towards your goals and making progress.

My Progress To Date

I’ve lost about 50 lbs. which is progress, but I have another 27 to 30 to lose before I will reach my goals. My waist size has gone from 46-48 inches to 42-44 inches. I’ve gone down in shirt sizes too. I was an XXXXL, now I’m an XXXL. One less ‘X’ is a great thing! And, depending on the shirt and the material, I can wear a XXL.

I’m really proud of what I’ve achieved so far. It’s been nice to see and feel the results. You could say that what I lose in inches, I gain in confidence.

Keep Moving – Its The Best Way To Stay On Track

Bottom line – it’s all about staying active and maintaining healthy eating habits.

My NuStep T4r cross trainer has been an invaluable way to keep moving. I get a low-impact, total-body workout that doesn’t stress my knees. Using the NuStep – every single day – has played an important part in my progress. I like to say it’s a low-impact workout that delivers high-impact results.

The most important thing I can do for my family is to be healthy. So, when life throws a curve ball, I’ll be better equipped to handle whatever comes our way.

I look forward to giving you more updates. If you have any questions, I am here for you.

Stay Healthy my Friends!

About O'Neal Hampton

After being diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic and weighing 420 pounds, O’Neal Hampton Jr. became a contestant during the 2010 season of NBC’s "The Biggest Loser." It was then that he was introduced to NuStep. Through the O'Neal Hampton Wellness Foundation, he educates others on the value and importance of exercise and nutrition. O’Neal Hampton Jr. is a NuStep spokesperson.