Half Ironman Training Update


by | Apr 25, 2014 | blog

It’s time for a training update! With only 94 days until my big day I get more and more excited to get out of bed and train each morning. I am now in Phase IV of training for a half ironman, which has been a big shift. Everything is starting to fall into place and is becoming very real! Workouts are now every day (except Fridays) and extremely structured.

There is a very specific science to training for a multi-sport event. Some days I run and swim, other days are long bike rides, and all planned out to build up my strength and stamina with sufficient recovery time. I would not be able to do this without my training coach, Kristine; she is the mastermind behind it all and gives me all of my training plans and workouts.

Training for a half ironman is a big commitment and throughout the process, you truly become a different breed. You are up earlier than most, you go to bed earlier than most and you tailor the rest of your day around your training schedule. When you go out of town you have to pack all of your tri gear; suit, cap, goggles, bike shorts, helmet, spin shoes, two pairs of tennis shoes, and a couple water bottles. I don’t have kids but I have to imagine traveling as a triathlete is like traveling with kids! It’s a lot of hard work, but I love this life and wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world! It is such a rewarding feeling. When people ask me, “so you actually pay money to swim 1.2 miles, bike 56 miles, and then run 13.1 miles!?” I proudly say yes, yes I do! I am a proud triathlete!

About SunShine Hampton

SunShine Hampton was a contestant during the 2010 season of NBC’s "The Biggest Loser," during which she became a fan and frequent user of NuStep. Today, SunShine uses NuStep in her Ironman training regimen, and her celebrity status to help educated others on the value and importance of exercise and nutrition. SunShine Hampton is a NuStep spokesperson.