Tears on the Keyboard

Tears on the Keyboard

It is very difficult to write an article regarding my mom, Marge Slater, who was taken from us slowly due to Alzheimer’s Disease when there are tears on the keyboard. I can continue with this personal account only because of my strong professional connection to...

Balance Your Life

Balance Your Life

One of my favorite mottos is "live a life you love"; very short and very powerful. Maintaining balance in my life is key to sticking to this motto and staying healthy. There are so many things in life that fill our tank and give us fuel to live an awesome life, but...

The Biggest Loser: Real but Not Reality

The Biggest Loser: Real but Not Reality

We all know The Biggest Loser is great TV, and people truly are changing their lives on the show, but I think we can all agree it’s outside of “reality” for most people. We worked out 6-8 hours a day while we were on The Ranch and that is just not possible unless you...

NuSteps in a Mile

NuSteps in a Mile

Every day we hear about NuSteppers who set goals or hold competitions to "go somewhere" with all those steps, but have you ever wondered just how far you could go? We put together this fun infographic that we hope will inspire you to keep on stepping! Now we want to...

Three Things I do Every Day to be Successful

Three Things I do Every Day to be Successful

I make hundreds, thousands of choices each day, but there are three things I do every day that make the biggest difference in my health and happiness. 1. The first thing I do every day when I wake up is make a conscious decision to do my very best that day. Now along...

Half Ironman Training Update

Half Ironman Training Update

It’s time for a training update! With only 94 days until my big day I get more and more excited to get out of bed and train each morning. I am now in Phase IV of training for a half ironman, which has been a big shift. Everything is starting to fall into place and is...

I’ve decided on a NuStep for my home! Now what?

I’ve decided on a NuStep for my home! Now what?

So you’ve finally decided to invest in your health and get a NuStep for your home. You can rest assured that you’re making the right decision. The NuStep has transformed countless lives around the world, and having the ability to jump on the NuStep and get a workout...

When Working Out, What You Wear Matters

When Working Out, What You Wear Matters

Having the right clothes during a workout can make all the difference in the world. You have to dress the part. You'd never go to The Grammys dressed in jeans and a T-shirt would you? So why workout in baggy, bunchy, heavy cotton?! When you are working out it is...

Finding the Right Support System

Finding the Right Support System

This week’s blog is about having a support system as you go through life for anything you want to achieve, whether that’s physically, mentally, financially or emotionally. Having a support system is really the key to staying on track. Please don't get support system...

My Top 5 Tips for a Healthier Diet

My Top 5 Tips for a Healthier Diet

In this week’s post, I would like to share with everyone some tips and tricks for healthier cooking and meal planning. There are a lot of different ways to change your eating habits (notice I did NOT say diet) for the better, but I’ve found that these work best for...