I love my NuStep and the fact that it is right in my living room. However, I still find it difficult to do everything I want to do with my goals. I’m learning how to eat healthier, make better choices, and be more active as far as exercise.
I started my journey at level 2 on my NuStep and was lucky to get 10 mins in and my goal was 10,000 steps a week. I’ve noticed a significant change as I’m now up to level 5 and 25,000 steps a week, plus some additional walking.
Having 3 kids in sports and a husband that is ill does interfere with a lot of my routine. Sometimes its just easier to skip a workout, but then I feel guilty. I find myself so exhausted that when I do find down time, I just want to sleep.
School starts this week for my kids. I am trying to get them prepared and focused. I’m chairing the Walk to End Alzheimer’s event on Sept 20th 2015. I also have a trip to California coming up, where I will be speaking this year at the star studded event Hilarity for Charity.
I want to lose another 10-15 lbs before next month. I really have to set my goals high and prioritize what I really want. I cant make excuses, I just have to get it done. I have had success thus far and I just have to commit to the process and believe in myself.
If I can do this, so can you. It’s a matter of committing to a healthier you, little by little it will happen.