Bob Anderson

Bob Anderson

NuStep Helped Bob Walk Again Pain-Free.  I have been working with NuStep ever since the Physical Therapists released me and said, ‘you need to walk again.’ I’ve had surgeries which have required me to use the NuStep machines to help me get back to...
Duane Faulkner

Duane Faulkner

This Machine is the Best I’ve Ever Used.  My introduction to the NuStep came after hip surgery in 2014. During physical therapy, the therapist put me on the NuStep T4r. I was impressed with the lack of pain and discomfort as compared to using a bike or treadmill...
Susan Marchegiani

Susan Marchegiani

My NuStep Has Helped Save My Life.  Several years ago, I was “circling the drain.” I weighed over 300 pounds and had excruciating pain in my arthritic feet. I could barely make it to my car after finishing a shift where I worked as an RN. I had started using a...
Sebastien Bellin

Sebastien Bellin

NuStep Changes the Course of Sebastien Bellin’s Recovery.  Sebastien Bellin shares the story of his remarkable recovery from injuries sustained in the 2016 terrorist bombing at the Brussels Airport in Belgium. The former pro basketball player suffered extensive...
Lynn Zeleski

Lynn Zeleski

NuStep Helps Lynn Reduce Her Pain Level.  Following kidney surgery I went to physical therapy. To warm up…we’d workout on a NuStep T4r for 15 minutes. It wasn’t long before I realized that my pain level was reduced on PT days. I started to experiment...
Kelly Flint

Kelly Flint

Kelly Flint Loves His Low-Impact NuStep Workout.  I love my NuStep. It’s the first piece of exercise equipment that doesn’t hurt my joints. With the help of my T5xr I have lost 130 pounds and I’m off all pain relievers. My blood pressure is now normal. Thanks NuStep....