Introducing the NuStep Fitness Tracker


by | Jan 23, 2023 | blog, NuStep Products


Fitness Tracking Made Easy

Our new fitness tracker is ideal for NuStep exercise equipment users who want an easy, convenient way to track and log their workouts on their smart phone. The NuStep fitness app – free for iOS and Android mobile devices – is compatible with all Bluetooth® enabled NuStep models including the:

  • T4r Recumbent Cross Trainer
  • T5 Recumbent Cross Trainer Series: includes T5, T5XR and T5XRW
  • T6 Cross Trainer Series: includes T6PRO and T6MAX
  • UE8 Upper Body Ergometer Series: includes UE8PRO and UE8MAX
  • RB8 Recumbent Bike Series: includes RB8PRO and RB8MAX

So, whether you get your cardio and strength workout on a T4r at home, a UE8 at the gym or a T6PRO in a clinical setting like physical therapy or cardiac rehab, the NuStep fitness tracker works the same way across all our product platforms.

Inclusive By Design

NuStep exercise equipment is well-known for its inclusive design and accessibility.  So, when it came to creating our app, we followed the same user-centered design principles as our exercise products. For example, the app features an intuitive, straightforward interface, making it accessible for people of all technical abilities. Next, thanks to the clean, simple layout and use of high-contrast colors and recognizable icons, the app is a snap to use. What’s more, workout data is presented in an easy-to-read, understandable format.

With the free NuStep app you can:

  • View your workout summaries.
  • Monitor your progress towards your goals.
  • Compare your month-to-month stats and track improvement over time.
  • Access Quick Start guides and manuals for helpful information.
  • Share your workout stats with your physician, physical therapist, personal trainer, etc.

A Great Combination

We know it can be a challenge to stay motivated and stick with your exercise routine. That’s why our app also displays useful tips, fun facts and motivational messages to help keep you moving and engaged during your workout. Plus, the NuStep app is compatible with the Google Fit and Apple Health apps.

Best of all, by combining your NuStep workouts with the NuStep app, the payoff is a stronger, healthier you.

Download the free app today.

About Jane Benskey

Jane is the Marketing Communications Specialist at NuStep, LLC. She earned a B.A. in Mass Communications from Wayne State University in Detroit. After stints in newspaper advertising, freelance writing and editing, radio promotions and technical writing, Jane added marketing communications to that list when she joined NuStep in 2004.