NuStep vs Traditional Low Impact Cardio Equipment for Older AdultsRegular exercise is important for older adults who...
Top Recumbent Fitness Equipment for Health Clubs
Best Recumbent Fitness Equipment for Health Clubs When choosing fitness equipment for your establishment, think about...
How to Reduce Muscle Soreness with NuStep Cross Trainer
How Recumbent Cross Trainers Reduce Delayed Onset Muscle SorenessDelayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) is a common...
Exercise for Older Adults
Benefits of Exercise for Older AdultsExercise is key to overall health and wellness, regardless of your age. As we...
How to Enjoy Low Impact Cardio with NuStep
Using NuStep for a Low Impact Workout Interest in low-impact workouts has grown significantly in recent years,...
NuStep Innovations with Accessible Exercise Equipment
NuStep Innovations with Accessible Exercise EquipmentNuStep is dedicated to creating innovative fitness equipment that...
What is NuStep? Behind the Brand of the Leading Recumbent Cross Trainer
What is NuStep? Behind the Brand of the Leading Recumbent Cross TrainerFor nearly 30 years, NuStep products have been...
The Benefits of Using a NuStep Recumbent Cross Trainer
The Benefits of Using a NuStep Recumbent Cross Trainer What is a Recumbent Cross Trainer? A recumbent cross trainer is...
Living a Healthy and Balanced Lifestyle
Creating a Healthy and Balanced Lifestyle. The NuStep recumbent cross trainer is a valuable tool for incorporating...
Build Your Immunity to Stress
Stress Affects Everyone There’s no getting around it – stress is a part of life and no one is immune from it. In fact,...
Is a Recumbent Bike or a Recumbent Stepper Better for Exercise?
Recumbent Bike vs. Recumbent Stepper If you’re searching for exercise equipment for your home gym, you may be...
Pump it for Parkinson’s Event Recap
World Parkinson's Day Did you know that nearly one million individuals in the United States are living with...