Active Aging with NuStep: Community Stories

Active aging is a concept that encourages older adults to take charge of their health and wellness as a way to live more fulfilling, independent, and healthy lives. At NuStep, we are proud to highlight the stories of those in our community who represent active agers. Through their use of our innovative fitness solutions, these individuals have not only improved their physical well-being but have also reignited their zest for life.  

“I can walk farther than I could before.”

Fred Jahnke has always been active playing golf, riding his motorcycle and taking regular walks, but after developing arthritis in his lower spine, he found his favorite daily activities to be painful.

His arthritis wasn’t going away, but his doctors encouraged him to keep moving in order to manage the pain. Luckily, Fred and his wife Judy found the NuStep.

Working out together several times a week, Fred has not only been able to manage his pain, he’s also lost weight, gained flexibility and returned to his favorite activities. Watch their video to learn more about their story.

Fred and Judy Jahnke

Ann Arbor, Michigan

NuStep user testimonial Doris Flickner

“I feel more comfortable exercising on the NuStep.”

I am an 80-year-old retired RN. In 2005, I moved to Pine Village Retirement Community in Moundridge, KS.

The Pine Village Wellness Center has three NuSteps. I have been exercising on the NuStep for about five years.  I feel more comfortable exercising on the NuStep.  I don’t worry about falling or having to deal with the weather conditions. I always enjoy my time on the NuStep.  It’s a time for reflection and meditation.  I have lost weight.  I feel younger. I feel much better. I feel great!

One NuStep is quite old. I decided it was time to campaign to get a new NuStep to replace our oldest one.  I talked to our Wellness Center Director and our Fund Development person, both were in agreement.  I started the ball rolling by donating the first $100 towards a new one. I know how much the NuStep can help others.

Doris Flickner

Moundridge, Kansas

“I love my NuStep.”

I love my NuStep. It’s the first piece of exercise equipment that doesn’t hurt my joints. With the help of my T5xr I have lost 130 pounds and I’m off all pain relievers. My blood pressure is now normal. Thanks NuStep.

Kelly Flint

Syracuse, Utah

NuStep user testimonial Syvilla Fry

“Thanks for a great product.”

I became familiar with NuStep when I lived at Meadowood, a retirement community in Worcester, PA.  They had two in the exercise room there. I moved to CA in February of 2012 to be close to my daughter and family, to another retirement community, Casa de las Campanas. I really missed using the NuStep and I did not do well using the recumbent bike or treadmill.

When they couldn’t purchase a NuStep for the community to use I found that one would fit into the bedroom of my apartment. Mine arrived this week and I’ve used it every day. I’m slowly working up to more time. I have it placed where I can look out the window while I’m exercising, and the time goes swiftly. Most importantly, I’m already feeling stronger! Thanks for a GREAT product.

Syvilla Fry

San Diego, California

Results may vary and depend on several factors, including health status and diet. The statements relating to weight loss are not to be construed as claims made by NuStep that you will lose weight. Individuals may have responses or results other than those indicated.