How to Use Your Health Savings Account (HSA) and Flexible Spending Account (FSA) at NuStep
In our quest to make NuStep accessible to all, we’ve worked to outline when and how you might use Health Savings Account (HSA) and Flexible Spending Account (FSA) funds toward your purchase. If you have a health concern that you believe will benefit from regular use of a NuStep you may qualify for reimbursement. In general, what’s required is a letter of medical necessity from your Doctor and a receipt. Healthcare providers are very familiar with these letters, so once you inquire they will readily be able to help you. Of course, you’ll always want to check with your benefit provider for any additional requirements.
For example, if you have ongoing concerns from a stroke, heart disease, orthopedic concerns, arthritis, or certain other ailments you may have been through a rehabilitation program that used a NuStep. You may find continuing the regimen beneficial to your condition and your Doctor may recommend you continue the recumbent trainer at home. They would then write a letter of medical necessity for you to use with your benefit plan.
How To Use Your FSA or HSA
Using your FSA or HSA is a straightforward process.
- Contact your benefit plan provider
- Determine your available benefit and any specific or additional requirements they have.
- They will always need a letter of medical necessity and receipt at the minimum.
- Contact your Doctor to discuss your situation.
- If your Doctor provides a letter of medical necessity for a NuStep
- Ensure you meet any additional requirements from your benefit provider
- Purchase the NuStep and receive your receipt.
- Submit the claim for reimbursement. Attach both the Letter of Medical Necessity and Receipt.